I am assuming that my readers are involved or at least abreast of the happenings in this years Presidential election. Given the fact that I am a first time voter. I have never been this heavily involved in politics
EvEr. I'm talking
emailing etc. I have taken time out of my busy schedule to do whatever it takes (within reason) to elect
Barack Obama as President. So, here's my question to you.
Q........ Why is it that so many Americans both black and white (but mostly white) are willing to vote for George W. Bush surrogate (John McCain) who clearly represents the same failed Bush policies.
My Answer.......It so saddens me that folks would much rather have a white man continue to f**k up our country rather than give a black man (who clearly has the potential) a chance to make it better.
Now, that's sum Bull...ish!
What's your answer to this question folks. Speck on it Ya'll...I want to hear from